Looking to get more fit and active in 2020? Here are five ways to get your fitness into gear in the New Year.
One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions is to be more fit and active in the new year. However, many of us fall down when it comes to the actual day-to-day effort involved in becoming a more fit and healthy person.
With that in mind, we’ve put together five simple suggestions to help you get active in 2020.
1. Set goals
A big mistake that people make when setting their New Year’s Resolutions is not having set concrete goals. But not only that, you need to also have a plan for HOW you will reach your goals.
According to recent research, people who set goals and plan ways to reach them end up exercising more.
For example, setting a goal of running a marathon will need planning to build up to the larger goal in increments. Or planning how to overcome obstacles before they come up — how will you deal with being time-poor?
Have a goal, work out how to get there and stick to it.
2. Track your fitness with wearable tech
The number one fitness trend for 2020 is wearable tech, according to the American College of Sports Medicine’s annual global survey released in November.
Wearable technology includes anything used to monitor your fitness, including fitness trackers, smart watches, heart rate monitors and GPS tracking devices.
Using devices like these can help to motivate you to reach a certain number of steps, push a little further on the treadmill and keep your heartrate in the fat burning zone. Having reliable, constant feedback lets you know where you are and how to get to where you want to be.
3. Group fitness and small group training
Training with a small group is a great way to stay motivated and accountable to your fitness goals.
So many people set New Years’ Resolutions that fall by the wayside because they are only relying on themselves. But join a fitness class or small group training session and you have a whole team of people supporting you.
Training in small groups means you have the opportunity to see where your fitness level is in relation to the rest of your team and work out ways to improve on it.
The best part is, you’re also helping the other people in the group too.
Life Fitness and Hammer Strength have been at the forefront when it comes to group training, with our bridge, rigs, racks and SYNRGY systems providing multiple group fitness options.
4. Life Fitness On Demand
Coming soon from Life Fitness is a new update to the Discover SE3 HD console: Life Fitness On Demand.
Life Fitness On Demand are instructor-led classes available on cardio equipment with connected Discover SE3 HD consoles, includes an expanding library of effective and energising video workouts led by charismatic and encouraging instructors.
Life Fitness is the first to offer this exciting on-demand workout option across premium cardio equipment in commercial fitness facilities and it further enhances the value of premium Discover SE3 HD consoles.
Watch this space for more info on Life Fitness On Demand.
5. Save time with full body workouts
One reason that many people fail on their New Year’s Resolutions is time. When life and work ramp up, often the first thing to fall off the to-do list is finding time for exercise.
However, you can work around being time-poor by being clever about how you structure your training. Throw in a couple of full body workouts per week and your training frequency will naturally come down. That will save you time per week by reducing your daily time in the gym.
To keep the time down further, you can also reduce the time between sets and keep your sets to three per exercise.
In addition, you can utilise techniques to minimise your workout time while still maximising results, such as supersets, which can get your workout done in a shorter period of time.
Set a 20-30 minute timer and see what how much you can get done. You might be surprised by how good of a workout you have!
For more new workout ideas, check out more of our training blogs.